Thursday, January 29, 2009

Good Evening,
It's late but I am doing well on keeping you guys up to date. It was fun today, because Dad took a trip over to Lakewood School in Lodi because it was Kiah's b-day. Dad could hardly make it in the door without a bunch of people wanting to say "Hello"! The school custodian also had the surgery and he and Dad compared notes. Others were inquiring for information. Dad looked great and feels already so much better about himself. I am so proud of him.
He cooked breakfast for Kiki this morning. He had an egg and 1/2 a cup of cottage cheese and said it was nice to be full so fast. He is being VERYcareful because, Dad does not want to throw up. It is just trying things in a very slow fashion and see what happens.
At school today he was rattling off all the information about the different kinds of surgery and people were amazed at his knowledge! He told them that it is important that he knows stuff that pertains to his body! He is doing very well for any of you who have not seen him. He looks much thinner in his face an upper chest. Thanks Ron and Alice Mayer for your visit today and with Dad and yesterday Gary and Linda Kapic. Way to go Dad! He is a handsome devil!
Goodnight for Now!

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