Sunday, January 25, 2009

Today is January 25th 2009. Happy 62 Birthday Dad! I created this blog so you can all see Dad and how skinny he is going to be! Dad I am so proud of you! You made the descision of a lifetime! Way to go! You really are my Hero!
January 15th was surgery day and Tayt came in on the 14th to be with you and Mom. I opted to drive over the day of surgery, cause I am not real good with goodbyes. Thanks to Nick and Penny Meyers for all their support with the doctor in San Francisco.
Tayt called and said that you were soo funny up until they took you away for surgery. Tayt called later and gave me an update and let me know that "so far so good!" I left at about 9am and arrived at 10 thirty, Dave Steve and Grandma arrived at the same time and that was about the time that your wonderful surgeon came out and said everything went great, and you should be good to go home the next day or day after that, wow pretty amazing! "Dad, Peja was with me in the car and asked 5,000 times I think, " Pappa done surgery?" You came home later the next day, and have had a table full of pills and great group of friends and family visiting since! You are almost out of the liquid food phase!
What a Happy 10th Birthday Kiah will have with you! January 29th you can start soft foods. I am so proud of you Dad! This was a great choice, and maybe we will both be wearing bikinis this summer! I love you Dad!


  1. You sounded so upbeat on the phone, Rich. Bless your heart.

    We're thinking of you...Happy birthday.

    (Isn't Erin too much geeting this blog for you?)

    Love, Carol

  2. Rich,

    Glad to hear you are doing well.

    Happy birthday.


  3. Many laughs, smile and giggles coming your way Rich! Happy Belated Birthday! I am proud of you for taking good care of yourself. YOU DID IT!! :) I will be one of your many cheerleaders along the way! You are truely blessed!
    Dawn and Tayler
