Thursday, February 12, 2009



Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Today Dad is going to Stanford University to take our family friend who is 17 years old to have chemotherapy treatment, to try and shrink the tumor in this young man. Wow say your prayers. Dad has been like a second Dad to this young man who lost his Own father a few years ago. Dad; out of the kindness of his heart offered to take him to get treatment to give his mom a rest. That was so sweet Dad! The prognosis is difficult seeing that it is very rare and aggressive kind of cancer called "Thymus cancer." We pray for the Lord's healing hands on him. Attached is a picture of Conner at the beach with us. Dad, as all of you know has always been the Dad to give the shirt off his back for any of us as well as other people's children. He always has had a heart for kids! Thanks Dad for always looking out for all of us and now taking care of you as well! We love you for that Dad!


On Monday Dad went to San Fransisco for a post op 3 week appointment. HE got good news form the doctor only 80 lbs to lose before April! Yes that's right, 1 lb per day and that is a grand total of 80 total lbs before April 15th or actually by the 15th! You go Dad, you can do it! It has been so fun to watch Dad shrink! Literally. I like many of you following this blog did not know Dad small. It will be fun to see Dad transform into another person. Dad has been an inspiration to us all. Dad has been finding all sorts of clothes in his closet that he has not seen for a long time. Dad has had some food likes for sure, soup broth, jello, and anything but that powder crap he was eating! I will keep you posted on fridat for a ONE MONTH PHOTO! SAME CLOTHES, SAME POSE! LOOK AT YOU NOW DAD! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

No News is Good News!

Well there has not been much to report because nothing new has been up. The old saying,
"NO NEWS IS GOOD NEWS" It is very true. Dad did go to San Fransisco with his brothers and his Mom for Auntie Francis's 85 birthday. He had a good time and it was good for him to get out. I am happy that he was just going there for something fun and that the surgery is over. More to come........

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Good Evening,
It's late but I am doing well on keeping you guys up to date. It was fun today, because Dad took a trip over to Lakewood School in Lodi because it was Kiah's b-day. Dad could hardly make it in the door without a bunch of people wanting to say "Hello"! The school custodian also had the surgery and he and Dad compared notes. Others were inquiring for information. Dad looked great and feels already so much better about himself. I am so proud of him.
He cooked breakfast for Kiki this morning. He had an egg and 1/2 a cup of cottage cheese and said it was nice to be full so fast. He is being VERYcareful because, Dad does not want to throw up. It is just trying things in a very slow fashion and see what happens.
At school today he was rattling off all the information about the different kinds of surgery and people were amazed at his knowledge! He told them that it is important that he knows stuff that pertains to his body! He is doing very well for any of you who have not seen him. He looks much thinner in his face an upper chest. Thanks Ron and Alice Mayer for your visit today and with Dad and yesterday Gary and Linda Kapic. Way to go Dad! He is a handsome devil!
Goodnight for Now!

Inhale, Exhale!

This is the breathing machine that Dad has to blow into, to work on expanding his lungs. He really is making progress. Also Dad went for a long walk around the block however he managed to stop and visit two times to visit with two neighbors, for a while. But hey it's a start! We have learned so much through this process. All of us.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Dad's Trusty Guard Dog!

The top photo was one of the beautiful arrangements that many of our loving friends had sent. It has a cute doctor bear on it. Almost as cute as Dad's doctor.(Ha-Ha)
This dog really is this mans best friend! This dog has legs that maybe have seen the ground 2 or three times. Lilly lovesDad because like any baby of a family she gets away with everything! Dad says he misses the chewing and the flavor of food. Dad told me that the nutritionist that he has had his "belly full" of of the whey protein powder. Dad has so many grams of protein that he has to consume. (80 to be exact for a man) He said he is tired of drinking crunchy stuff. We told it wasn't supposed to be crunchy but it is probably because he only used a spoon to mix it.
He told her he was going to throw it in the pool. (Ha-Ha) sounds like Dad huh! It really is hard to take in 80 grams of protein a day, but he manages to do it.
For those of you who don't know Dad's stomach is currently 2 ozs, and it will eventually stretch to 3-4 ozs. He had the verticle sleeve gastric surgery. In case any of you were wondering. Some of this will just be informative, so you are aware of the facts. Dad says he will lose 1/2 to 1lb a day. He said he will be 60 lbs lighter by the summer. Good news! He still has a great attitude! Also Mom you have been a great sport too, you have been sooo supportive and thats sweet to see. He will be off for a minimum of another week but probably he will be off till the 15th of Feb. Tommorow is 2 weeks after surgery and Kiah's 10th birthday and we definatley have allot to celebrate! In a way it moves me to tears, because 10 years ago,tommorow God gave me such an amazing "beginning", and 2 weeks ago tommorow Dad's new life began! I love you Dad and I am so proud of you!