Wednesday, February 11, 2009


On Monday Dad went to San Fransisco for a post op 3 week appointment. HE got good news form the doctor only 80 lbs to lose before April! Yes that's right, 1 lb per day and that is a grand total of 80 total lbs before April 15th or actually by the 15th! You go Dad, you can do it! It has been so fun to watch Dad shrink! Literally. I like many of you following this blog did not know Dad small. It will be fun to see Dad transform into another person. Dad has been an inspiration to us all. Dad has been finding all sorts of clothes in his closet that he has not seen for a long time. Dad has had some food likes for sure, soup broth, jello, and anything but that powder crap he was eating! I will keep you posted on fridat for a ONE MONTH PHOTO! SAME CLOTHES, SAME POSE! LOOK AT YOU NOW DAD! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

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