Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Today Dad is going to Stanford University to take our family friend who is 17 years old to have chemotherapy treatment, to try and shrink the tumor in this young man. Wow say your prayers. Dad has been like a second Dad to this young man who lost his Own father a few years ago. Dad; out of the kindness of his heart offered to take him to get treatment to give his mom a rest. That was so sweet Dad! The prognosis is difficult seeing that it is very rare and aggressive kind of cancer called "Thymus cancer." We pray for the Lord's healing hands on him. Attached is a picture of Conner at the beach with us. Dad, as all of you know has always been the Dad to give the shirt off his back for any of us as well as other people's children. He always has had a heart for kids! Thanks Dad for always looking out for all of us and now taking care of you as well! We love you for that Dad!

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